Gisborne is many things, however it's never tried to be the centre of decorum or fashion.
We can see that the PJ-wearing-in-public phenomenon will prove to be immensely positive for future tourism in Gisborne.
Gisborne will soon become the hot-spot of a fashion-phenomenon where visitors will cross off their bucket list the opportunity to flaunt their PJs in public.
Maybe a picture of PJ wearing Gisbornites boldly swaggering about town in their PJs will become a must-have Facebook upload for visitors to share with impressed friends?
As we cross our fingers and hope that all publicity is good publicity, we note the media faithfully reporting Gisborne locals spotted out and about in their PJs casually going about their usual business - like popping into the dairy, lining-up at the ATM machine, browsing selections at the video store or filling trollies at the supermarket.
Gisborne's cultural idiosyncrasy has even made the UK news with this article in the Guardian:
"Letter from New Zealand: pyjama party
The city of Gisborne debates whether its attire is on trend with Dubai and London, or if its residents are simply lazy.
The north-eastern city of Gisborne is divided and people are angry. It's not the issue of water ownership that threatens the peace of this normally unflappable community, or whether local farms should be flogged to Chinese dairy giants. Even escalating rate bills hardly raise a sweat, let alone the imminent commencement of fracking operations in nearby hills. The cause of the fury is the latest craze for wearing pyjamas in public, especially noticeable in the supermarkets. The fashion has been initiated by women but bets are on as to how long it will be before men sew up their flies and join in.
Letters to the local paper, mostly unsigned, are split between "Disgusted" and "I Love my PJs". In favour of parading their nightwear in public are shoppers who plan to go back to bed as soon as the supermarket shop is done, and others who say they can't afford dry cleaning so they live in their night clothes. Then there those who admit to being more comfortable in pyjamas and don't care about the opinions of others. "I am not ashamed", said one woman, hitching up her slipping trousers as she bent over to unload her trolley.
Angry pronouncements against public PJ wearing include accusations of laziness and unhygienic behaviour. One writer suggested that pyjamas will bring lice and bed bugs into food shops. Someone else argued that if people wanted to wear pyjamas in public they should go to Dubai or London. Another person fumed that even in Nepal people dress nicely. "Where is your pride?" the writer asked.
The district council is being urged to issue a ban on the wearing of pyjamas in public, day or night, and for offenders to be fined. Whether this would lead to pyjama police patrolling the streets is unclear.
Has Gisborne, a geographically remote city, set a new benchmark in fashion? Imagine my surprise therefore when, the other morning in the city I saw a man wearing a dark grey, bespoke suit, a silk tie and black polished Oxfords. Perhaps he was a visiting lawyer or a stockbroker selling shares in a fracking company. The point is he stood out among the informal crowds and was easily outnumbered by pyjamas.
I realised then how fickle fashion is. Suits could be back tomorrow. I've decided to hold off sewing up my PJ flies, just in case."